SMOLIF is an off-beat science fiction story set in a distant future and concerns the fortunes of Contra Marlo, a retired, alcoholic, security specialist. Contra takes care of people, at least he did before he dropped out and became a full-time drunk. That's how Mr. Mortis, a Braithwaite Corporation representative finds him -- inebriated in a Bangkok bar. Before Marlo can gather his senses, he's tricked into signing a contract employing his services. The job is to travel to a distant planet in order to rein in a rogue Braithwaite agent. Rated PG-13.

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Sample pages.

Steven Parker at Amazon Reviews says:

"Smolif is extremely well written.
This is one sci-fi novel that captures and keeps your imagination
from the start to the finish without the vulgarity
that is so commonplace in today's literature.
I would recommend this tale to anyone that enjoys reading
and I don't mean just sci-fi. If you like mysteries,
adventure and just plain fun, this is one of those little diamonds
you find once in a while."

PJ Ireland at Amazon Reviews says:

"Started the book this morning, finished it in 6 hours
of off/on reading. Great story & characters.
My new favorite author; have bought 5-6 of his books in last few days."

Skip Skipper at Amazon Reviews says:

"[Smolif is] Another good book by Thomas Stone.
This is the type of planetary exploration/science fiction
I like to read. I recommend it."